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Natural & Organic Vanilla From Ugandan Farms

The Vanilla Supplier


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Largest Vanilla Producers


Uganda produces one of the gourmet Vanilla which can be clearly distinguished with it beautiful dark, oily skin and rich aroma The vanillin content present in found to surpass the readinge of vanilla beans from other part of the world.

Pearl of Africa network with 3000 out growers B from which around 15 to 20 tone vanilla is yielded over the course of two seasons annually With the usage of traditional techniques for curing process, we include 50 permanent employees and over 200 seasonal workare for different type of packaging preferred by global buyers.



Ugandan Vanilla Harvesting


Uganda’s naturally gifted soil can produce vanilla twice per year, in December and June/July. The temperate climate contributes to the double harvest by preparing the soil for plant growth. There are vanilla-pollinating bees in Uganda, but they are too few and far between to be of much value, hence Ugandan vanilla beans are hand-pollinated. The optimal time to harvest the beans is when the ends have gone somewhat yellow and split. Then, they undergo peeling, transpiration, and preservation.





Ugandan spices are known for their intense flavour, saturated colours, and rich texture. The spices are freshly grounded to sustain their freshness and authentic flavour. 

Our Customer's Reviews


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William Housten Customer

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Johny Sampson Customer

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